
My research focuses on improving data-driven decisions using statistical learning and stochastic modeling methods with application in service operations and revenue management.

I am particularly interested in improving decision-making within complex information-sharing environments and system dynamics. My recent research topics include:

  • Spread and control of misinformation in online platforms
  • Optimal combination of forecasts from multiple biased sources
  • Service allocation with customer returns

In terms of methodologies, my research inquiries are addressed using a broad spectrum of tools, including dynamic programming, Bayesian statistics, applied probability, reinforcement learning, decentralized control, and robust optimization.

Journal Articles


  1. OR
    Learning Manipulation Through Information Dissemination
    J. Keppo, M. Kim, and X. Zhang
    Operations Research, 2022
Runner-up, INFORMS DAS Best Student Paper Award, 2022

Papers Under Review or In Preparation

  • Dynamic service allocation with returns: the case of admission and discharge control with readmission in hospital, with Hossein Abouee-Mehrizi, Ya-tang Chuang, and Michael Jong Kim
    Under review at Operations Research
    Second Place, CORS Health Care Operational Research SIG Student Paper Competition
    SSRN Version

  • Diversified learning: Bayesian control with multiple biased information sources, with Jussi Keppo and Michael Jong Kim
    Manuscript in preparation

  • Efficiency gains in the health Sector through data-driven patient scheduling: the case of paediatric rehabilitation services, with Hossein Abouee-Mehrizi, Benjamin Ravenscroft, and Brendan Wylie-Toal
    Manuscript in preparation
    Finalist, CORS Practice Prize Competition 2024

Work in Progress

  • Optimal feature selection for multi-variate Bayesian control charts

  • Robust data-driven scheduling with multiple follow-up appointments